Leveraging our extensive decades-long experience in developing cutting-edge HVM crash rated products rated to IWA-14, ASTM 2656, or PAS 68 standards, we have established partnerships with renowned gate and bollard manufacturers to offer holistic security solutions.

Comprehensive HVM Solutions

Our services cover all aspects of HVM, ensuring a tailored solution for your security needs. We excel in product design for access control, integrating seamlessly into your infrastructure. Starting with a thorough site assessment, we provide precise recommendations based on threat and risk assessments, leveraging our military expertise. Our solutions, whether ground-mounted or fixed, include barriers, bollards, gates, fencing, and access control systems, all easily integrated with surveillance infrastructure.

Choose DIRICKX Systems for top-tier HVM products and services. We prioritise safety without sacrificing functionality or aesthetics, fortifying your security infrastructure against vehicular threats. Explore our services today and elevate your security measures with HVM solutions that truly make a difference.

DIRICKX Systems HVM Safetyflex Gate Test


Our HVM access control solutions encompass a range of options, including gates, rising arm barriers, and turnstiles. These systems have undergone rigorous testing, including evaluation against a variety of vehicle sizes, weights, and speeds. This extensive testing ensures that our access control measures are versatile and adaptable, suitable for diverse applications, and capable of protecting against a wide spectrum of potential threats.

DIRICKX Systems HVM Defence Barrier HTC01


Our HVM bollards and gates offer versatile solutions for enhanced security. Available in permanent, active and passive, buried and surface mounted configurations, these bollards are designed to seamlessly integrate into any environment.

With a range of styles and colours to choose from or bespoke, our HVM bollards not only provide robust protection but also blend harmoniously with their surroundings. Their primary purpose is to safeguard people and places against hostile vehicle threats, making them an essential component of comprehensive security infrastructure.

DIRICKX Systems HVM Safetyflex Carstopper


DIRICKX Systems has forged strategic partnerships that bring together the industry's best for HVM solutions. These collaborations leverage DIRICKX Systems' wealth of design and field experience, complemented by industry leading manufacturing, installation, and product capabilities.

The result is a powerful synergy that delivers not only the best in HVM and perimter solutions but also unmatched confidence, trust, and service support. Together, DIRICKX Systems and our partners stand as a beacon of excellence in the realm of security solutions.

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